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Day One Society

Day One Society’s Executive Director Honoured with a BC Achievement Community Award

Kamloops, B.C.: On May 8, 2024, Siân Lewis, executive director of Day One Society (D1S), was honoured with the prestigious Community Award presented by the BC Achievement Foundation. This award recognizes her outstanding contributions toward helping individuals overcome addiction and creating stronger, healthier communities in Kamloops and beyond.

“I feel humbled and surprised. There are countless individuals throughout B.C. contributing in meaningful ways, creating positive and significant change that improves the lives of others,” said Lewis, reflecting on the award. “I am grateful that the BC Achievement Foundation exists. This recognition is a reminder of the importance of helping others by doing whatever is within our capacity. We may not always be clear on how we have made a difference, but with each kind and thoughtful action, there is someone whose life is made better.”

Siân Lewis, executive director of Day One Society, at the Community Award presentation ceremony.

The Community Award program recognizes the contributions of extraordinary British Columbians who build better, stronger, more resilient communities and shine as examples of dedication and service. 

“Through the annual Community Award, BC Achievement showcases the very best of the province. The award highlights the remarkable efforts of individuals who contribute to building stronger and more engaged communities – individuals like one of this year’s recipients, Siân Lewis of Kamloops,” said Rup Grewal, Program and Communications Director, BC Achievement Foundation. “To be a little kinder, to be a little more compassionate, and to end the stigma around alcohol and drug additions underscores Siân’s leadership as executive director of Day One Society. We congratulate her on her achievements!”

Since assuming the role of Executive Director in 2011, Lewis’ leadership has transformed the organization by redefining its mission, rebranding, and expanding service offerings to better serve the community. She has cultivated a governance-focused board, driven strategic growth initiatives, and fostered a culture of accountability and effectiveness.

“Day One Society’s Board of Directors is thrilled that Siân Lewis has received the B.C. Achievement Community Award,” said Marilyn McLean, Board Chair. “Siân is a very humble person who readily deflects praise and is happiest when she can celebrate the accomplishments of others. However, she is most deserving of this recognition because she works so hard to ensure that the citizens of Kamloops have a place of understanding, empathy, warmth, and support as they seek help on their journey to wellness."

With an academic background in social work, coupled with extensive experience in mental health and addiction services, youth emergency services, and community development, Lewis’ vision of creating systemic change is evident through her involvement with various community groups to establish a sobering centre in Kamloops and challenge stigma while addressing root causes of substance use disorders.

“What can seem like a small effort can make a significant difference over time. This is what Day One Society is all about. Each day offers a fresh start, another opportunity to take initiative and do things differently. As the saying goes, every journey begins with a single step, and the journey of recovery and wellness is no different,” added Lewis. “Each of us is called to meet seemingly impossible challenges throughout our lifetime, however short or long that may be. Whatever the journey, it is not about succeeding. I don’t think we are changed by success. I think we are changed through willingness and courage, and it is our collective willingness and courage that builds stronger and more resilient communities.”

To arrange an interview, contact:

Aleece Laird, Communications Liaison || 250.574.0221

About Day One Society

Day One Society provides services and programs to bring hope, help, and healing to youth and adults experiencing issues or challenges with substance use. They respect the integrity of each human being and believe that each person can change, and with support, accept personal responsibility for their own physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. The society’s mandate is to:

  • To provide supportive recovery services to adults.

  • Provide education to the larger community, raising awareness about the issue of substance use.

  • Provide education, counselling, outreach, and support to youth and families impacted by substance use.

  • Provide medically supported withdrawal management treatment to adults and youth struggling with substance use issues.


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