The Kamloops & District Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards recognize and celebrate local businesses and their remarkable contributions to the economy, job creation, and community development. This year’s event, with the theme ‘Kami Around the World’, marked the 38th anniversary and highlighted Kamloops’ rich cultural diversity and unity.
The awards gala was held at Thompson Rivers University on October 24, 2024, and Day One Society was honoured to be among the finalists for the Not for Profit of the Year award.
“We are humbled to be recognized as leaders in the sector and have had the opportunity to be a finalist among so many outstanding not-for-profits and businesses that are positively impacting our community,” said Sian Lewis, executive director of Day One Society. “Thank you again to the Kamloops Chamber for their ongoing support of the not-for-profit sector and to the Society’s staff and Board members who work tirelessly to provide hope, help, and healing to community members.”
Day One Society will remain committed to providing substance use services and advocacy for individuals, families, and communities, achieving wellness and healing through effective and innovative programs.